I am here to teach you what you already know

Evolve into Consciousness

Are you tired of living the same life of chaos and emotions? Have you been wanting to change your life but can't seem to figure out how? Have people told you that they can help you but nothing changes?

 If you feel this way, you're not alone!  The fact is that everyone gives into the chaos of our lives. Humanity is transitioning and becoming more evolved. Our old way of living must be released before we can advance. The unfortunate truth is that most people hear ideas from society without a true understanding of it. Knowledge is no good to us unless we can change it to wisdom. If you're truly ready to evolve, I can teach you this knowledge and help you understand it for it to become wisdom.

 I've been helping people since I was a young child. Being trained by my guides since the age of 4, I have taken the knowledge & wisdom they shared and helped others awaken  through these teachings. We are not here for the simple purpose to just "live life". We are here to experience consciousness in our life and reawaken who we are.

Let me teach you my knowledge so that you can awaken and help raise the consciousness of this planet!

My story

Who am I?

I am Raina. I am a Soul Sage and Spirit Guide. I teach people how to awaken in consciousness to gain unity through duality and perspective.

I have helped thousands of people worldwide awaken the knowledge and wisdom within so that they can move past the limitations of the 3rd dimensional constructs.

My goals are to help raise the consciousness of our world by teaching people how to move past their chaos and be powerful, strong, and independent people.

If you would like to learn about what I teach, you might consider becoming a student of "The Foundations" Online Course, watching some episodes from IAMevolution Podcast or signing up for our weekly newsletter. Upon completion of "The Foundations" Online Course, you will gain access and the ability to work with me as a private student.

Together, we can work together to help the consciousness and raise the vibration of our world!
 Helping others Evolve
20+ Years

IAMevolution Podcast
200+ Episodes

What students have to say

I'm at the beginning of my process with Raina and I have to say I'm truly impressed by her intuitive understanding of where I am "stuck". Little by little I find myself beginning to understand in my soul what the masters and sages have taught and I have studied. Knowledge won't get you anywhere on this journey towards enlightenment. Raina is the guide that came into my life at just the right time. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." -Lao Tsu. Raina is pushing me one step at a time. Now that I'm "getting it" and doing the homework she has assigned I'm becoming aware of patterns, behaviors and thoughts that do not serve me.
Angela Van Hemert
Before I started working with Raina, I felt like I was inside of a tornado and was trying to grab at anything I could. Instead of realizing that the things flying around me were secondary (needs/wants/desire) and what mattered first/most was focusing on myself by looking inward. She has opened my eyes to a lot by being my guide and getting me to ask questions that connect me to my higher self. Her sessions are TRULY, you time. Time to work on you, evolve, to assist, to ignite, to dig up your roots; to learn. A magical non-judgmental peaceful space that she offers to your soul. 
Danielle Finn
I wasn’t looking for a Spirit Guide when I learned of Miss Raina, but believe I was led to her through divine happenstance. Once I learned of her, I viewed her website, listened to her radio show, and read her blogs. It became even more clear to me that this is who I need to meet to help me heal and grow. Her story and commitment to healing is powerful and shows just how much she wants to help people. I went through a very difficult period where every aspect of my life was effected. My parents started to have serious health issues that I needed to help with, I changed careers, got married, lost a baby, got divorced, lost both my parents after long battles, moved, got remarried, and changed careers again. I was totally mentally, physically, and spiritually drained and started to develop health issues of my own. I began my journey with Miss Raina less than two months ago and learned immediately that she is the real deal. She does not mince words or sugar coat things like a therapist- she is direct and knows what you have gone through. On my first visit she saw something that happened to me as a small child that I had almost forgotten about. Something that subconsciously is still effecting me today. She has taught me that our minds will lie to us but our heart will not. I still have a lot to learn, but believe I am on my way to finding my joy again and have a great guide to teach me how to find my bliss.
Sandra Effertz

Always remember

“It is not our talents or abilities that make us who we are, but it is our choices”
Raina - Iamevolution

Take your life back now!

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